John Ernest Foundation (JEF)

John Ernest Foundation (JEF)

Location Palo Alto, California (U.S.A.)
Partner organization of Heidelberg Since 2011
Description The John Ernest Foundation (TJEF) is a fund-earning organization founded by Kenneth C. Kaufman in 1993. TJEF is a community of mentors providing guidance to people who support initiatives intended to make the world a better place. It supports social, cultural and ecological projects worldwide.
TJEF began providing American, Chinese and Korean candidates for study at the International Summer Science School in 2010 and has since provided six candidates every year. The high school juniors, called John Ernest Fellows, study in various high schools in Palo Alto and rural Kansas.
Specialty Palo Alto is known for its location in Silicon Valley, one of the most important IT and high tech industry locations of the world.
Universities involved Besides Palo Alto University, Stanford University near Palo Alto is one of the most renowned and oldest universities of the West Coast.
First year of participation in the ISH 2010


The John Ernest Foundation
P.O. Box 60225
Palo Alto    CA 9430